Those who have not encountered citizenship support services sometimes ask: Why is it so expensive? The cost of a service or product always has two characteristics: how much the BUYER saves/earns from it and how much effort the seller needs to spend. If the buyer in the service or product does not earn, he will not buy it, we understand it. That is why we show your savings. You are guaranteed to save: six months of additional checks, six months of rushing around looking for the right documents, apostille applications, checking every bit of information you received from unverified sources on your own experience. After you receive your repatriate visa, you need to stay in Israel for 1 day instead of 3 months. As you understand, this saves you not only 3 months, but about 1700 euros per person per month at best (the cost of living in Israel is not "wide open").
If you count our work, we give you six months of dense professional work with you on the documents, materials to prepare for the consular inspection, and subsequently work in Israel to prepare for citizenship in 1 day, all the logistics in Israel, the internal resources to ensure the fastest possible registration, personal delivery of your documents in Russia.